Address listed free of charge by the Sesame Guide, in accordance with the brand quality charter.
Philippe and Marc-Antoine, Compagnons du Devoir and winners of The Best Bakery Region Center-Val de Loire 2021 welcome you to their shops in Tours and Veigné.
Discover their original range of snacks, their pastries and their excellent pastries as well as their breads made with ancient wheat flours. Special mention for their revisit of Paris-Brest with its flowing heart homemade praline, one of their signature creations.
Regional awards: best galette 2020, best croissant 2019... And the participation this year in the show La Meilleure Boulangerie de France in which they finish first in the Centre Val-de-Loire region and compete in the national final.
Les Tendresses de Veigné, soft chocolate, caramel or homemade raspberry jelly cookies.
Fait maison, Charte Viennoiseries 100% maison, Boulanger de France
Une quinzaine de pains, viennoiseries, pâtisseries, gâteaux de voyage, petits fours sucrés et salés, quelques biscuits sans gluten à la farine de châtaigne, sandwiches…
La 100% homemade Viennoiseries Charter guarantees consumers the 100% artisanal manufacture of their pastries, the use of quality raw materials and compliance with the hygiene rules in force.
The National Confederation of French Bakery and Pastry has written a quality charter attesting to the manufacture of its breads, pastries, pastries and bakery catering. This charter has become a brand: Baker from France.