The 3 sesame guides in one hand with a floral background

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The Sesame Guide is offert. Il est distribué dans tous les offices de tourisme et de nombreux points de diffusion sur chaque région. Victime de son succès, il est souvent en rupture.
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Nous sommes navrés mais tous les guides Sésame 2024 sont écoulés.
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Our DNA: quality

At Sésame, we have a passion for a job well done.
Our objective: to design and produce supports that are both aesthetic and practical to use.
Here are the 7 differentiating points that make our guides unique editions in the world of book publishing offered.

3 • Printing in France

Illustration de l'impression en franceFleche

Its UV LED equipment allows this printing house to obtain high print quality on all supports. This printing technology is also environmentally friendly due to its low energy consumption.engagements RSE. Issu d’une lignée d’imprimeurs depuis 400 ans, Lescure & Kapp est implanté en Normandie et à Paris.

2 • At the forefront of responsible printing

Illustration de marques et labels Fleche

Le groupe Lescure & Kapp, chargé de l'impression des guides Sésame, est certifié :

  • Imprim'Vert : pour la bonne gestion des déchets dangereux, la sécurisation de stockage des liquides dangereux, la non utilisation de certains produits CMR, la sensibilisation environnementale des salariés et de la clientèle, et le suivi des consommations énergétiques du site.
  • PEFC et FSC : afin d’assurer la traçabilités du papier certifié.
  • ClimateCalc : permet d’estimer l’empreinte carbone d’un site d’impression et des imprimés qu’il réalise.
  • RSE : Certificat d’excellence - Médaille d’or 🥇 Il s’agit d’un engagement sociétal, environnemental et économique.
  • Imprifrance : groupement d’imprimeur qui accompagne les imprimeurs dans leur démarche RSE et dans la sélection de fournisseur et sous-traitant selon des critères d'éthiques et de compétences.

2 • Creative papers

Illustration des deux papiersFleche

It is only once in hand that you will realize it. The papers for the cover and the inside have been custom-selected by our teams. These are so-called “creation” papers.
The cover is printed on extra white paper embossed on one side, made in Italy by Fedrigoni. Certified paper FSC.
The inner pages are printed on exceptionally white matt-coated paper, with a high degree of puffiness, made in Sweden by Arctic Paper. Certified paper PEFC.
Their opacity and whiteness allow a very pleasant reading to the eye, and offer excellent photographic rendering. Soft to the touch, they do not keep fingerprints, do not slip, and have a unique texture, a “grain”.

5 • Processing in France

Illustration façonnage en italieFleche

Once printed, the guides go to Nancy to be shaped there.
It's the last step : The sheets of paper are assembled into 16-page notebooks, which are bound and sewn before being glued to the cover. This binding is called the “sewn binding”. Which brings us to the next point!

6 • Stitched binding

Illustration reliure à la suisseFleche

This finish is very rare and unique In publishing gratis unto Grand draw.
The principle: the cover page is glued in tabs to the second and third covers. This allows the seams to be left visible and the work to be perfectly flat.

1 • Photoengraving

Illustration photogravureFleche

All the photos in the guides go through a photoengraving workshop. This optional step consists of optimizing the colors of the visuals before printing, depending on the paper that is going to be used. The photoengraver is a printing professional specialized in photo retouching.

4 • Cover with PANTONE ink®

Illustration marquage à chaudFleche

With the most beautiful visual effect, this creative finish allows you to create visuals with colors that are unrivaled in conventional printing.